Plant List


The Primrose Path has introduced
many new plants in the last 30 years. The owner, Charles Oliver, received the Marcel LePiniec Award for new plant introductions from the North American Rock Garden Society in 1998. Our plants are being marketed by licensed producers such as North Creek Nurseries, Creek Hill Nursery, Gootjes-AllPlant, CNB, Skagit Gardens, PhytaCell Technology, and others. We are located in southwestern Pennsylvania, a region that combines extremes of heat and cold with unreliable summer rainfall and winter snow. Our plant introductions have had to cope with northeastern winters and summers. Our customers report superior survival of potted plants of our selected varieties wintered outside.

Our heuchera breeding program has included some little-known eastern US forms that combine extreme drought and cold tolerance with the biggest flowers in the genus. Our hybrid heucheras have showy flowers as well as gorgeous foliage. The Petite heucheras are miniature forms suited to small gardens and containers. 'Silver Scrolls' and its relatives and 'Frosted Violet' have brought a new look to heucheras and brighten shade gardens with their colorful, silvery leaves.

Our early crosses with tiarella are the stock from which nearly all the new hybrids on the market have been derived. Our cultivars have superior vigor as well as striking foliage form and coloration.  'Elizabeth Oliver' is among the most widely-sold tiarellas in the US. We are the breeders of Heucherella 'Quicksilver,' one of the most vigorous and showy heucherellas on the market, and, we believe, one of the very best new shade plants of the last 20 years.

At the present time our breeding program is focussed primarily on the mid-sized eastern phlox, including species such as P. carolina, P. maculata, P. glaberrima, and P. pulchra. Our introductions are available wholesale from North Creek Nursery.